Ep 18: Digital Literacies, Latitudes, and Learning Part 1


Doug Belshaw is the latest special guest on the Digital2Learn podcast. In the two-episode feature with Doug, listeners are exposed to Doug’s inspiring and practical research on digital literacies, passion for open and flexible education opportunities, and suggestions for maximizing student and faculty learning experiences.


  1. Digital Literacy Framework
  2. Creative Commons – Creative Commons is an American non-profit organization devoted to expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share.

The Importance of Digital Literacy

  1. “YouTube’s algorithms have a huger impact on kids’ lives today than an aunt or uncle – kids are being raised by Google, Facebook, and Apple engineers.”
  2. There has been “basically no teaching on digital literacy in the UK from 2011 to now … Kids are taught e-safety and coding but not broad digital literacy.”

Open Education

“The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.”

William Gibson
  • Open Education and Ethos: “This thing that I’m creating should go to as many people as possible for free or very low cost.”


  • Powerful and recognizable tools, weapons, and #juxtapositions with #CognitiveEase

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Digital Literacies, Latitudes, and Learning Part 1

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