Ep 39: Experiential Education and the Quantum Realm with Jim Weaver, Part 1


In this two-part series, the Digital2Learn team speaks with Jim Weaver, a quantum developer advocate for IBM. In Part 1, Jim shares about his professional journey and explains how an increased understanding of the quantum realm can impact our everyday lives. In Part 2, Jim highlights specific educational partnerships that he has designed and developed to bridge the gap between education and industry and to get children and adults alike excited to learn about quantum computing.

#quantumphysics #quantumcomputing #java #softwaredevelopment #optimalization #IBM

Connect with Jim

  1. Twitter: @JavaFXpert
  2. Blog: http://JavaFXpert.com and http://CulturedEar.com
  3. Contact: jweaver@pivotal.io

IBM Resources

  1. IBM Quantum education: https://qiskit.org/education
    Resources for students and educators, including an online, open source textbook, video series, and information on how to host a “Qiskit” event, which Jim referenced.
  2. IBM Quantum Experience: https://quantum-computing.ibm.com/
    This link takes you directly to the interface with public IBM Quantum computer systems, over the cloud.

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Jim Weaver, Part 1​

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