Ep. 129: Scholarly Digital Storytelling w/Kelly Schrum, Part One

Kelly Schrum is a historian, professor, and researcher with a marvelous niche for scholarly digital storytelling. Through digital storytelling, Kelly’s students rise from consumers to curators. This two-part series will learn about the latest research on scholarly digital storytelling and student learning. We know that Kelly’s work will inspire you as it inspires us!

Recent publications referenced in the Digital2Learn interview with Kelly:

Schrum, K., & *Bogdewiecz, S. (2021 Online First). Cultivating research skills through scholarly digital storytelling. Higher Education Research & Developmenthttps://doi.org/10.1080/07294360.2021.2010667

Schrum, K. (2021). Developing student capacity to produce scholarly digital work. Arts and Humanities in Higher Educationhttps://doi.org/10.1177/14740222211045246

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